What would a blog with a title like Read Another Page be without reading challenges?
I don’t know about you, but reading challenges have made me read many more books than I usually do. And some are even ones I wouldn’t have picked up otherwise. So let’s challenge ourselves with some reading this year! This will be the 8th year I’ve hosted a reading challenge on my blog. Are you ready to join?
Yes, you can count audio books if you actually listen to it and are not just playing it in the background while you do school, have conversations with others or walk in and out of the room.
For reviews to count you MUST review a book on Goodreads or a bookseller’s site. This can include an author’s website if they have a place to leave a comment under a book. These can be places like Amazon, Light of Faith, Book Bub, or other sites. You do not HAVE to review a book.
But before I give you the list, here are the rules. (Yes, we have rules.)
- These books may be read in any order. You do NOT have to start at the top and read down.
- You may count any books you read for this challenge for other challenges if you wish.
- In order for your books to count, they must be read in 2025 between January 1 and June 30.
- All books must be at least a few chapters in length. (Even two or three chapters, but they must have chapters!)
- This challenge starts January 1st, and ends June 30th 2025. Any books read during that time that fit the list can count.
Also, if you get anyone else to join the challenge and read at least 2 books, you get a bonus point. (Points are earned for books read and reviews written and can then be redeemed for a book(s) or audio of one of my books when the challenge is over.)
Let’s get started!
To sign up simply send me an email (or message me somewhere) and let me know you’re joining. I’ll add your name to the Reading Companions page. (You can use the Contact form if you do not already have my email address.)
When you’ve read a book (or more than one if you’d rather) comment on this 2025 Reading Challenge Page, and I’ll mark you down for those books. Please make sure you let me know which # the book was read for so I can mark it in the right place.
If you have been a part of my reading challenges last year, you will notice that I once again have a page to share all the covers of all the books that are read during this challenge. I’ve created a google doc for you to add your own covers and links to your reviews. You can find that HERE.
Ready for that list yet? You can download a special pdf list with all the categories, spaces for titles, where you reviewed each book and even stars to mark your ratings right HERE.
- TBR (To Be Read)
- TBR (To Be Read)
- Features a Musical Instrument
- A House on the Cover
- Biography
- New to you Author
- Favorite Author
- A Book in a Series
- No Person on the Cover
- A Book You Keep Thinking You’ll Read by Haven’t
- Two Word Title
- A Physical Book
- A Borrowed Book
- Four Word Title
- A Mystery
- Has a Bit of Romance
- Non-Fiction
- A Winter Story
- A Recommended Book
- A Book You Got Last Year
- Historical Fiction
- A Book You’ve Had for at Least Two Years
- TBR (To Be Read)
- Indie Author
Let the reading begin!
I’ve got #21 (Historical fiction) checked off now as well as #8. I read Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson and reviewed it on Goodreads!
Excellent start! I’ll get these marked.
For #14 I have Danger in the Shadows by Dee Henderson
Great start!
Anna Wood for 13!
For #18 I have Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
(I have to add up each book individually or else I’ll loose track!)
Sorry, link! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6251564-murder-on-the-orient-express
I know what you mean!
For #11, Frontier Frugal https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27618211-frontier-frugal
Okiedoke, batch #1! All of these are reviewed on Goodreads:)
#6 – Veiled Freedom by J.M. Windle
#9 – The Debt by Angela Hunt
#10 – Until Leaves Fall in Paris by Sarah Sundin
#11 – Fatal Domain by Steven James
#16 – Dangerous Beauty by Melissa Koslin
#20 – Broker of Lies by Steven James
#21 – A Piece of the Moon by Chris Fabry
Wow! That’s a great start, Kaitlyn!
For #8 I have The Holy Warrior by Gilbert Morris https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/139975101-holy-warrior-house-of-winslow-by-gilbert-morris-1-oct-1989-paperback
Good job!
“Pioneer Girl” by Laura Ingalls Wilder for #5
(no review)
I’m here with some reads, finally…
24. Indie Author – A Dream of Flight by Kate Willis – reviewed (https://oldfashionedbooklove.wordpress.com/2025/02/18/a-dream-of-flight-by-kate-willis/)
23. TBR – Waiting on Love at Christmas by Claire Cain – reviewed (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5040212952)
21. Historical Fiction – Prince of Savoy by D.J. Speckhals – reviewed (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6834417321)
18. Winter Story – Un Hiver Is Doux by Kallie George – reviewed (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6706803832)
16. Has a Bit of Romance – Change of Heart by Madisyn Carlin – reviewed (https://oldfashionedbooklove.wordpress.com/2025/02/11/a-change-of-heart-by-madisyn-carlin/)
15. A Mystery – Murder on the Orient Express – reviewed (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3634842016)
14. 4 Word Title – A Dream of Home by Kate Willis – reviewed (https://oldfashionedbooklove.wordpress.com/2025/02/15/a-dream-of-home-by-kate-willis/)
13. A Borrowed Book – Vercingétorix by Claude Merle – reviewed (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/7270325566)
12. A Physical Book – Les Adventures de Tintin by Alexander Irvine – reviewed (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6068097707)
11. 2 Word Title – Kentucky Thriller by Lauren St. John – reviewed (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6604695960)
8. Book in a Series – Rendezvous in Russia by Lauren St. John – reviewed (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6604728360)
Also, do rereads count? What if you add to or rewrite your review?
Great job, Kats!
Yes, rereads do count. And if you add to or rewrite your review it will count as well.
For #23: Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder: On Life as a Pioneer Woman
For #10 I have “Christy” by Catherine Marshall https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35879889-christy
“Where My Heart Belongs” by Tracie Peterson for No. #20
I have a list! I’m actually doing better with my reading this year than I expected.
#1 – TBR: Tony Keating’s Surprises by Isabella Alden; reviewed on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3738275204
#2 – TBR: Shadow of the Mountains by Gilbert Morris; reviewed on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5315758662
#4 – House on the cover: Jamie MacLeod: Highland Lass by Michael Phillips; reviewed on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/7190225389
#6 – New to you author: The Hired Girl by Laura Schlitz; reviewed on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/7286857249
#8 – A book in a series: Honey Bunch: Her First Auto Tour by Helen Thorndyke; reviewed on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/7326366315
#13 – A borrowed book: Becoming an Accredited Genealogist by Karen Clifford; reviewed on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/7373541739
#17 – nonfiction: Life on the Farm (Reminisce)
#21 – Historical Fiction: The Tussie-Mussie by Katja Labonté; reviewed on my newsletter, Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/7335684489
CutePolarBear/Hanna Kraft
Great job! I’ll get you marked for these, Hanna!