There are some things that irritate me a little when I read. And there are some things that bug me a bit. And there are other things that drive me crazy and might mean I rant to someone about them even if I liked the rest of the book. So this year I’m going to […]
5th Tuesday – Pet Peeves Part 4
There are some things that irritate me a little when I read. And there are some things that bug me a bit. And there are other things that drive me crazy and might mean I rant to someone about them even if I liked the rest of the book. So this year I’m going to […]
5th Tuesday – Pet Peeves Part 3
There are some things that irritate me a little when I read. And there are some things that bug me a bit. And there are other things that drive me crazy and might mean I rant to someone about them even if I liked the rest of the book. So this year I’m going to […]
5th Tuesday – Pet Peeves Part 2
There are some things that irritate me a little when I read. And there are some things that bug me a bit. And there are other things that drive me crazy and might mean I rant to someone about them even if I liked the rest of the book. So this year I’m going to […]
5th Tuesday – Pet Peeves Part 1
There are some things that irritate me a little when I read. And there are some things that bug me a bit. And there are other things that drive me crazy and might mean I rant to someone about them even if I liked the rest of the book. So this year I’m going to […]
5th Tuesday – Reading Memories – Part 4
I grew up in a house of books. My mom loves books and my grandparents were always reading books, so while I wasn’t an early reader, books have always been a part of my life. I’d like to take these four 5th Tuesdays of 2023 to share some of my favorite reading memories with you […]
5th Tuesday – Reading Memories – Part 3
I grew up in a house of books. My mom loves books and my grandparents were always reading books, so while I wasn’t an early reader, books have always been a part of my life. I’d like to take these four 5th Tuesdays of 2023 to share some of my favorite reading memories with you […]
5th Tuesday – Reading Memories – Part 2
I grew up in a house of books. My mom loves books and my grandparents were always reading books, so while I wasn’t an early reader, books have always been a part of my life. I’d like to take these four 5th Tuesdays of 2023 to share some of my favorite reading memories with you […]
5th Tuesday – Reading Memories – Part 1
I grew up in a house of books. My mom loves books and my grandparents were always reading books, so while I wasn’t an early reader, books have always been a part of my life. I’d like to take these four 5th Tuesdays of 2023 to share some of my favorite reading memories with you […]
5th Tuesday – First Stories Part 4
Hello, and welcome back our 5th Tuesday – First Stories edition. In this series I am going to be sharing some of my earlier writings with you all. *isn’t as nervous now* My stories were improving and weren’t so strange or impossible. After I had finished writing pretend letters with my friends, I started working […]