Do you ever get free pocket sized calendars in the mail? Have you ever used them with your writing?
Okay, I haven’t lost it. Not really, anyway. And I haven’t turned from a pantser to a planner. So, what exactly do I do with these calendars? Let me show you.
They don’t have to be anything spectacular. I like them small because I keep them, and they are easy to tuck in with my writing tools (NEO, pens, name lists, etc.) Every night after I’ve finished writing for the day, I write down my word count on the calendar. At the end of each week, I added up the week’s words and put the total. And at the end of each month, I write the total of words written on that month.
Not only have I discovered that it helps me keep track of my word count, but it’s easy to flip back through the year and see what months were terrible writing months and what were great months for writing. I can also compare my total year’s count–because yes, I do add up all my month totals for a year’s count–with the year before.
The open calendar on the left shows April, 2019. The one on the right shows February, 2017
If you want to make things even more useful, write your monthly word count goal on each month and see how you do. Or jot down a weekly or daily goal in colored pen. I started off several years ago with the goal of writing 5k a week. There have been many, many weeks I didn’t do that, but that’s sort of been my goal when I’m writing. I know some people have larger goals, and that’s great! For me, the 5k was good. And some times I really shoot past it. And other days I don’t even come close.
Overall, however, I love being able to see my writing progress at a glance in these pocket calendars.
Hey, I love this idea! I think I’ll start doing it! Thanks for sharing, Rebekah!
You’re welcome, Katja! Let me know how it works for you. 🙂
This was a great idea!! I don’t actively keep track of my daily word count, but if I did… 👍 And you know, we haven’t gotten calendars or stickers or stuff like that in the mail for years?? I wonder why! 🙃
You should try keeping track of your word count just for fun. 🙂
This is such a helpful idea, Rebekah! Thanks a bushel;) I ordered a new planner for next year and expect it to arrive soon – so I’ll be finding an area to track my words. I really hope to tackle Nanowrimo, but have never had any luck with it before.
You’re welcome! Oh, a new planner sounds fun! I’m always too busy in November to even think about doing NaNo.
Such a good idea!
Thanks. I hope it’s helpful. 🙂
That’s a great idea for little calendars, Rebekah! I like how it’s small and easy to “put with” your writing tools! 🙂
Yes, small is good. 🙂