Ryana Lynn tagged me with this a few months ago and I thought it was time I shared it with you. Hope you enjoy! Now, it is rather long, so I’ve rearranged the order of these questions and put the more absurd questions on the bottom.
Never Have I Ever . . .
Or Have I?
The Rules
- Link and thank the blogger who tagged you. Ryana Lynn
- Include the graphic somewhere in your post or create your own. I hope the one above counts. 🙂
- Answer the questions truthfully and honestly. What did you expect?
- Tag 3 bloggers. Uh, let me think about this.
Never have I ever…
… started a novel that I didn’t finish.
There is a difference between novels and short stories. I do have several short stories that I’ve started and never finished. As for novels . . . There is one that is more like a novella that I didn’t finish and probably never will. But novels . . . No. If they aren’t done, it’s because I haven’t finished writing them yet, but they are being worked on.
… written a story completely by hand.
No. Well, none that I’ve published. I did write the first half of my first book by hand, but then I got NEO. After that I never returned to writing stories by hand.
… changed tenses midway through a story.
Uh, no. Why would I do that? Now I have started a story and gotten a hundred or so words and realized it wasn’t working and changed it. But I have never changed it midway through a story.
… not researched anything before starting a story.
All the time! 🙂 I will often start stories and then realize what I need to research and do it then. However, I am constantly reading books from all different time periods, reading biographies, or reading trivia about other times, so in a way I’m researching all the time. Just not specifically.
… changed my protagonist’s name halfway through a draft.
Uh, no. I think that would be really awkward. I have changed the name of a minor character before. Once because he was a bad guy (TCR – Rustlers) and I couldn’t think of the right name for him, so I just stuck something in until later.
… written a story in a month or less.
Short stories? All the time! Novels? No. Perhaps if I had a full plan for the novel and knew what was happening all the time I could, but I don’t plan, so that would be a bit difficult.
… written down dreams to use in potential novels.
Twice. One because a scene (changed to make sense) in The Unexpected Request, and the other was the idea behind Grandfather’s Mug.
… fallen asleep while writing.
That’s easy. No. Now, maybe I’ve stopped writing for a time but haven’t gotten up and just dozed in the chair a time or two. But I’ve never really fallen asleep.
… used “I’m writing” as an excuse.
Is it an excuse if it’s true? I have said I was writing before when asked if I’m busy because I was writing. But I’m usually willing and able to take a break for a short time if they give me a few minutes first.
… corrected someone’s grammar in real life/online.
Yes, I have corrected my nieces and nephews grammar in real life, and my writing students now and then. Online? Only if I’m asked. I am not a “grammar snob.” So y’all are welcome ta use bad grammar if’n ya wants to. I ain’t likely ta care. 😉
… written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.
No. I sleep then.
… published an unedited story on the Internet/blog/Wattpad.
My readers get unpublished stories on my Friday blog all the time! I’ve never used Wattpad, or published my unfinished stories anywhere else though.
… typed so long that my wrists hurt.
Nope. My wrists have gotten tired, so I take breaks and do other things, but I can’t say that they’ve ever started really hurting.
… forgotten to save my work/draft.
I’ve never had to worry about this. NEO saves everything as I write. And when I was doing it by hand I always had a original. Now I did almost lose all my work when my computer crashed and I didn’t have my stories backed up. But thankfully a computer tech guy at church was able to recover everything. Lesson learned.
… used pop culture references in a story.
Well, since I don’t pay attention to pop culture, it would be a little hard to reference it in my stories.
… finished a novel.
Well, this is rather a strange question to asked a published author. The answer is yes. If you want me to be more specific I have finished 18 novels of varying lengths, 3 books of short stories, a dozen Christmas Collection stories, and 23 short stories.
… created maps of my fictional worlds.
I don’t have fictional world, but I have created a few very rough maps for some stories so I could keep the names of the streets straight, or could better picture where things were. Otherwise, no.
… cried while writing a scene.
Yep. Sometimes it’s just the first time I write it. Other times I cry every time I edit or read it afterwards.
… procrastinated homework because I wanted to write.
Nope. I hated writing when I was in school so I was more inclined to do other subjects instead of writing.
… yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of a novel.
Why would I want to do that? If I’m going to yell at myself I’ll do it aloud or in my head, not typing it. So the answer is no. *thinks some more* What would I yell about? *scratches head in confusion*
… killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life.
I don’t usually kill my characters, so no, I have never killed a character based on someone I know in real life. And I don’t plan on doing it either. And I don’t usually base my characters off real people. So there.
… spilled a drink on my laptop while writing.
No. I don’t compose on my laptop. I use NEO, and my only drinks while I write are water in a bottle with a lid which stays on the floor or somewhere where it won’t spill.
… researched something shady for a novel.
Not really. I did have to look up the history of some bad guys once, but since I don’t write about murder, or serious injuries, or anything like that I can’t say that I’ve looked up anything shady.
… drank an entire pot of coffee while writing.
I don’t drink, like, or use coffee. Therefore I have never consumed an entire post of it while I write.
… laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene.
*huh?* No. I don’t write things that would make me laugh like that.
The end.
I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you didn’t, why did you keep reading? If you did, you can thank Ryana Lynn for tagging me. 🙂 Feel free to consider yourself tagged if you want to do this on your own blog, or answer the questions as a comment on here.
P.S. Make sure you come back next week for an exciting announcement and a new short story!
Loved this so much! *laughing crying emoji* I should tag you more often XP
😛 I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
I loved reading this! <3 And an announcement and new story?! Yes, please! 😀 For sure I'll be on next week. 😉
Yay! I always like to know that readers enjoy the posts.
And yes, be back next week! 😀
You do awesome tags… XD
*bows* Why thank you!
Loved it! Most of your answers are similar to what mine would be 🙂
Oh, fun! 😀