I had this post written, edited, and scheduled to post. And then I went to the link I was planning on sharing with you all . . . And discovered that my post was obsolete because the website had changed something and you could no longer do what I said you could do. Such is the life of a blogger at times. But don’t fear, I have now updated it and this information is correct. (For now. 😉 )
Have you ever signed up to review a book and gotten a format you can’t read? Or perhaps it is a pdf and you’d rather read it on your kindle? It can be a hassle trying to get the correct version sent to you and it takes time. Or, you can do things the easy way.
Wrong Format?
No Problem
If you received an ePub and you can only read mobi files, or if you’ve received a mobi and you can only read ePub, here’s the quick fix.
Go to ToePub and choose if you want to create an ePub or a mobi file. Upload your file. Once it is done uploading and converting the file, simply download your file and enjoy your book.

If you look at the screen shot above, you will see a tab on the far right that says Any to PDF. This is not longer there, much to my dismay.
I had to go searching for a way to convert my mobi files to pdf. I did find Zamzar. They will convert files to mobi, ePup, PDF, and a host of other different formats. And they will do it for free. I haven’t had time to really try this site out much, but if you are needing a place to change a file to pdf now, this should work.
Just remember, if the file sent to you is from someone else, don’t share it with anyone else without permission.
If you get a pdf file or a word file, you can send both directly to your kindle by following the steps in this post. It might not look the best as far as formatting, but it might be better than trying to read it on your computer.
Have you ever used Toepub or Zamzar? Have you ever gotten the wrong file sent to you? What is something you would like to learn on this blog?
Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure!