Yes, we are doing another blog tag this week. You all seem to enjoy them so I figured I might as well. Besides, it’s the 5th Tuesday of the month.
The Liebster Award is an award passed around from blogger to blogger.
The word Liebster is German, meaning sweet, kind, nice, dear, lovely, pleasant, valued, and endearing.
(I like to think that some of those words fit my blog: nice, lovely, pleasant, valued. But: sweet? kind? dear? endearing? Not so sure about those.)
1. Thank your nominator and provide a link to their blog site. (Don’t forget to let them know when you post your answers so they can read them!) I was nominated by Kate at Once Upon An Ordinary. Thanks, Kate!
2. Answer the questions presented by the nominator. (I’ll get to them. Promise.)
3. Nominate several other bloggers and write them some new questions. (Uh, well, yeah about that . . .)
4. List the rules and display the Liebster Award logo on your post. (Check)
Have fun! ?
The Questions
1) What two books could you not live without in addition to your Bible?
Hmm, I’d like a collection of all the Isabella Alden books (that would probably have to be on my kindle because it would be WAY too fat to hold a physical copy and read it with any physical comfort), and . . . Well, what if I just picked my kindle? Then I could have all the books I wanted. 🙂 Okay, I know that wasn’t what you wanted to hear, but I have no idea!
2) What are you most afraid of?
Uhhhh, is this like really afraid? Or just don’t like? Probably my greatest “fears” are cave exploring and traveling across the ocean on a ship because of what’s under the ship. 😛
3) Have you ever been angry at a book’s ending? Why?
Yes! I remember one book in particular that I disliked the ending so much I got rid of the book. It was a book about the persecution of the Anabaptists and a mother and her baby were in prison with many others. The others were able to escape with a rope used to climb out of prison and through the window, but the mother and baby were left because of course they couldn’t tie the baby on to the the mother so she could escape, nor could they get the baby up by tying it in a blanket and then getting the mother up. (I’m being sarcastic!) Of course it ended with the mother being killed and the baby given to another couple. I was so mad at that author! That is a book I got rid of and don’t want on my bookshelves.
4) Would you rather own a bakery or a bookstore?
Is that even a real question? Of course I’d rather own a bookstore! I’d like someone to own a bakery next door, but I don’t like to cook or bake, so I’d only go over to eat. Or maybe wash dishes. 🙂
5) What is one big dream of yours right now?
Just one dream? Is it supposed to be about writing or just anything? If it’s anything, I’ve dreamed for years about visiting Montana, and I’d love to go. Anyone want to go with me? If it’s about writing, a big dream would be to actually get 100 reviews on one of my books. (Anyone want to help me reach that dream?)
6) Do you listen to music while writing? What type?
Nope. I can’t write and listen at the same time. It doesn’t matter what type of music, I can’t do it. Sorry. Next question.
7) If you could travel anywhere in time and space, where would you go?
In time? I don’t know. In space? Can’t I stay on earth? I’m not too fond of space travel. As in where would I go? Montana. I’d actually like to visit all 50 states. I did start a “virtual tour” of the US years ago, but I never got it finished.
And there you have my questions. But wait, I’m supposed to nominate someone? Oh me, I don’t know. Ah, if you have a blog and haven’t been nominated yet, I tag you. 🙂 And just answer the same questions because I can’t think of any new ones.
Or, just answer the questions in the comments. 🙂 I would love to read them!
Hi Rebekah!
I loved your answers. I would love to go to Montana, just to visit someplace new. And what book are you trying to get 100 reviews on? If I’ve read it, I’ll help you out. 🙂
Hi Ashley!
Thanks. These questions were fun to answer.
Oh, thanks for offering to help me get 100 reviews! I’d love it for any of my books, but the two that are the closet to that goal are “Triple Creek Ranch – Unbroken” (which is free on Amazon), and “Gift from the Storm.”
I enjoyed this post! Ooh, Montana! I live in the state next to MT and I can say from experience from going there twice that it is beautiful and you really should see it, especially Glacier National Park! 🙂 If I had a blog I would do the tag! 🙂
What? You live next to Montana?! Yes, Glacier is someplace I really want to go! 🙂
Since you don’t have a blog, you can always answer the questions here in a comment. I’d love to read them!
1) What two books could you not live without in addition to your Bible?
Hmmm, well I really love “Worth it All” by Isabella Morganthal and “Not Abandoned” by MacKenzie Morganthal, they are self published author friends of mine and I really recommend their books!
2) What are you most afraid of?
This may sound weird, but of leaving a burner on the stove on and burning the house down. I know, weird!
3) Have you ever been angry at a book’s ending? Why?
Well, I don’t know if I’ve ever been angry, but I have bawled my eyes out because I loved the characters so much and didn’t want to leave them! Hehe!
4) Would you rather own a bakery or a bookstore?
Definitely a bakery, I’ve wanted to open a sandwich/salad/smoothie/pastry shop for awhile now and that would be perfect! Put a bookstore next door! =)
5) What is one big dream of yours right now?
Well, this isn’t just a “right now” dream, but I know God has called me to go on a mission trip(s) to Uganda and I trust Him to take me there!
6) Do you listen to music while writing? What type?
Yes! It helps me concentrate so I can’t here people talking. I usually listen to hip-hop or electronic dance music, which is up-beat music without lyrics. 😉
7) If you could travel anywhere in time and space, where would you go?
There you go! I hope you enjoyed! Yes, I live like an hour away of MT in ID! I’ve been to MT twice and it’s beautiful! I’m going to Oregon in a few days for a trip and I am so excited to see the Pacific Ocean, have you ever seen the Pacific?
Sorry this is in 3 comments it was too big for one or two, haha!
I love the answers! 🙂 Thanks for doing it.
No, I’ve never been to the Pacific Ocean. The farthest west I’ve been was Salt Lake City when my uncle got married when I was about 8. I have been to the Atlantic though.
Have a wonderful trip! It sounds delightful!
I decided to answer the questions because I love tags. 😉
1) What two books could you not live without in addition to your Bible?
Um, let’s pick the first two that popped into my head. “Basic Principles of Speech” by William Trufant Foster & Lew Sarett (THE 1946 EDITION, FOLKS) and “Daniel Boone: Wilderness Scout” by Stuart Edward Lee. However. . . I would really like to have all my books, please. 😛
2) What are you most afraid of?
Oh please. I admit I am a total chicken so I’m not going to go through my fears and find the worst. I’m also going to try to find one that’s actually reasonable. . . . I’m afraid of the dark. There. ’Nuff said.
3) Have you ever been angry at a book’s ending? Why?
Hmm. . . probably. Right now I can only think of “Jo’s Boys” by Louisa May Alcott. I wanted Dan to settle down and be redeemed (he’s my fav!!) and instead. . . *cries* *glares* *sniffs and takes consolation in Emil’s ending <3*
4) Would you rather own a bakery or a bookstore?
This is a rhetorical question, dears. I'm not even. . . going to bother. . . answering. . . obvs books are better than cooking. . . <3 . . . not to mention I have a perfect genius for burning and cutting myself. . .
5) What is one big dream of yours right now?
Publish a book. Get all of my wish list. XP
6) Do you listen to music while writing? What type?
Yes. Classical. I find it sort of seclude me—I can't hear what's going on around me and I can focus on reading or writing.
7) If you could travel anywhere in time and space, where would you go?
I don't like space, so let's cut that out right off. Through time. . . I would like to go back but it might be a thrifle inconvenient. . . as in, how comfortable was it in 1140 castles and in 1777 wilderness forts? I'll go back to 1940 and gather info. *nods*
Love these answers, Katja! 🙂
And I loved Dan too, though the end didn’t really bother me.
You don’t like space either? *links arms and keeps feet firmly on the ground*
You can publish a book! Can I read it? 🙂
That question about a cafe or a bookstore was rather strange for book lovers, but I guess some of them might like cooking. 😉
Thanks for answering!
Sorry this took me so long to answer… I never saw the reply to my comment apparently??
Ah, well, space is pretty enough sometimes and really mind-blowing, but it’s rather freaky. 😉
Well, I’m working on a NaNo novella which I’m hoping will be good enough to publish. I also have another story I want to rewrite and I really wanted to publish. I can keep you updated via email if you’re interested.
Yes, keep me updated. 🙂
All right. Thanks you! 🙂