Surprise! I know you probably weren’t expecting a 2nd published book only two weeks after Dylan’s Story, but here it is.
This is what happens when I write two books simultaneously. They both get done around the same time. Well, actually Dylan’s Story was ready (except for the kindle book) a few weeks before I released it, but other things were going on, so I waited. But with no further ado, here it is.
Where does joy come from? That is the question Paige Martin faces when life’s challenges threaten to overwhelm her. Her husband is out of work, a longed-for baby has been lost through a miscarriage, and now they are moving far away from all that is familiar. Struggling to cope with these frightening changes, Paige slowly walks through the Lord’s lessons on finding joy.
Let me tell you a little bit about writing this book. If I didn’t know that the Lord had a plan for each story I write, I’d say I started this book by chance. It was unintentional on my part. I saw about two seconds of an ad one morning when I was working on my computer. At the time I didn’t even know what the ad was for. It just had a father and daughter in it. Hmm, great characters for a story. A few minutes later a picture grabbed my attention on Pinterest. Somehow the characters from the ad, and the picture jumped together, a dim story idea came to me and I thought, “hmm, that might be a fun story to write some time.” And then I went on my way. Only the characters refused to leave. The kept popping up in the most unusual times. I finally jotted the story idea down and tucked it away for later. Ha! That night the title of the story came to me. (Bother! Why won’t they wait? I’m already working on several other stories.) The next morning my characters were having conversations in my head. I HAD to write.
Hoping they were all quiet down and let me get back to work on my other stories, I gave in and wrote the first chapter that evening. And then I kept writing. Words poured forth and there was no holding them back. It was crazy. I was doubling what I usually wrote, all other stories were pushed aside, and I fell in love with Paige, Zach, and Gina Martin.
Eventually I had to set the story aside to get TCR-6 finished, and then write a Christmas story or two. But in January I started again. However, that’s when I ran into some problems. Since the story just continued to come, I didn’t go back and reread what I had written. Thus I somehow ended up writing a “remodeling” novel, as my mom and sister called it. Disgusted, I tossed the story aside and worked on other things. Then, determined to finish it, I picked it back up, reread it, cut out 9k words (I mean hey, they painted the library three times!), and started writing again. I contacted some friends about certain situations, rearranged a few scenes several times, and finally wrote the ending.
I learned a lot about finding my own joy while I was writing this book. I pray it will be a blessing, a challenge, and an encouragement to each one who reads it, to find joy.
Add it to your To Read list on Goodreads here. Or purchase a paperback or a kindle version.
Ohh, looks awesome: I can’t wait to read it! I love remodeling books. I don’t know why, but they are extremely satisfying to read. =)
🙂 Well, there’s still remodeling, just not as much as before. But, if you want to read the “deleted scenes” after you read the book, just let me know. 😉 I’d be happy to share them.
Well, that’s till pretty fun. =) Awesome! I will definitely let you know! =D
Ooh looks great! *adds to my tbr pile*
Hey are you going to do Nanowrimo? 🙂
I hope this book isn’t the one that topples that tbr mountain. 😉
No, I’m not going to do NaNo. After getting 10 books published in one month (though I’m not releasing my Christmas Collection until Nov.), I need to focus on a few Christmas stories and other things. 🙂