Where does joy come from?
That is the question Paige Martin faces when life’s challenges threaten to overwhelm her. Her husband is out of work, a longed-for baby has been lost through a miscarriage, and now they are moving far away from all that is familiar. Struggling to cope with these frightening changes, Paige slowly walks through the Lord’s lessons on finding joy.
390 pages
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Loved it! <3 The characters especially–which surprised and delighted me!
I was a little hesitant to start this because I often struggle with stories where characters are stuck in sadness and discouragement and usually just want to shake them before the book is over. But I didn’t feel like that with Paige at all. Her reactions and fears and struggles were so realistic and understandable that she never came across as unsympathetic, even though I was rooting for her to change and grow. . . .
Finding Joy was a blessing to me. Paige’s journey to finding and keeping joy spoke directly to my own heart. We humans are so prone to doubt and worry, yet Jesus wants us to have joy in Him. The lessons sprinkled through the story nourished my soul and gave me food for thought. I also admired the courage and steadiness of Paige’s husband Zach. Their daughter Gina’s sparkle and energy throughout the story kept me smiling. This was a fun read as well as edifying and encouraging.
~Reader from Estonia