It’s a hot summer afternoon. Voices murmur in the streets as groups of people stand and wait, they know not for what. Inside the building, the air is stifling and stale. All the windows have been shut and no one has gone in or out for some time. The men gathered there dab at the […]
Camp NaNo Report and . . .
It’s been a month since the end of my very first Camp NaNo and the next Camp starts on the first of July. During the time in between, I thought you might enjoy hearing my thoughts about this online, virtual writer’s camp. First off, I won my very first camp! When I first signed up […]
Indie Publishing – Pros and Cons
When I first started out in the world of writing and publishing, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know anyone else who had self-published their books like I do now. In fact, I wasn’t even sure how to get my book published. I started looking. I asked some people I was […]
I don’t remember when I got this tag or who tagged me, but I’ve had it sitting around just waiting for me to do it for several months. So, since January has 5 Tuesdays, I thought I’d post it today. I hope you enjoy it as there are some random questions on here. 🙂 1. […]
2016 Recap
It’s hard to believe that it’s now 2017! Where has 2016 gone? Weren’t we just trying to remember to write 2016? Did you have big plans for this past year? If so, did you accomplish them? I had some, but failed to complete my biggest project. That’s not too surprising, however, when I had to […]