Since it is February, I thought this book tag would fit in just fine.
The Rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog. Thanks, Katja! √
- Include the Book-Lover Blog Tag graphic and rules in your post. √
- Answer the questions. Uh, yeah, that happens below. √
- Nominate at least 5 new bloggers to do the tag. Must I?
The Questions:
What is Your Favorite Thing About Reading?
Traveling to new places without leaving the comfort of my home. I love having adventures, meeting people, and doing things I normally wouldn’t do. And I don’t have to pack a bag, worry about the airport losing my luggage, or getting kidnapped by bad guys. 😉
Which Male Character is Your Favorite?
Uh, I don’t have one. I’ve enjoyed many different ones over the years I’ve been a reader, but I was taught to guard my heart when it comes to guys, and that included fictional men as well. I will say though, that I like the guys in books to be manly men. Ones who take care of others, who aren’t selfish and wimpy, ones who honor and love God, and who do the right thing even if it is hard.
Which Female Character is your Favorite?
Impossible question! There are too many! I like Anne Shirley because she’s a lot like me, but she’s not my favorite. I like strong girls who can handle what life throws at them with grace and dignity because of their trust in God, but I also like females who need help and aren’t afraid to ask for it or accept it. I like women who live out their faith not just “put it on for Sunday”.
Who is your Favorite Villain of all Time?
Was I supposed to like the villain? I thought I wasn’t supposed to like him. Hmm *is very puzzled now*
Who is Your Least Favorite Character of All Time?
I don’t know, this “of All Time” has me uncertain. I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of books. Probably the least favorite character got erased from my mind long ago because I didn’t like him/her/them. I dislike some characters for their actions, some for their personality, and some because the author didn’t know how to write them and they are flat.
Which Book do You Think has the Strongest Plot?
A book that . . . that . . . Good grief! How am I supposed to answer this? There are so many different plots and the plot arc is so different in each one. What works for one story won’t work for another, just like some plots just don’t work well in some situations.
What Gets on Your Nerves the Most in a Story (a boring character, unrealistic plot, etc.)?
Unrealistic story, historical inaccuracies, and romanticized drama. Those are the biggest pet peeves of mine. If I read a story that has one or more of those things in it I will probably rant about the book to my mom and sister, and they’ll say, “Then why bother reading it?” If I’ve gotten far enough into the book I’ll probably finish it anyway because I want to rant about the whole thing in my review. 🙂
Which Book has the Best Cover?
Ha! Who came up with these questions anyway? There are thousands of covers! There are some out there that others rave over and I look at it and think, “What’s the big deal?” And there are other covers that really catch my eye. Now, if I was narrowing this down to say, books I read last year I might be able to pick one. But out of them all? I couldn’t even pick my top 10! So, let’s move on.
Do You Let People Borrow Your Books? If so, are you specific about how they treat them?
Of course I let people borrow my books! What good is a good book if you can’t share it? Well, I don’t want them to tear my books up or underline things, but I’ve never had to specify anything when they borrow them. I specifically get paper copies of books I really enjoy so that I can share them. My niece (age 13) is always asking if I have any new books she can read. So absolutely yes! Did you want to borrow one too? (I’ve even mailed someone books to borrow if they paid the shipping.)
If a Movie Could be Made Based on Any Book, Which Book Would You Choose?
That might depend on if they would keep the movie like the book. There are too many to pick from. There are some books that I’d rather keep as a book because I don’t want to ruin the images I have in my head. Others might be good as movies depending on who did it and what they cut out. Oh, I know! I’d like to see The Deepening Stream by Francena Arnold. As long as they didn’t try to show things that were just told. Then it wouldn’t be good.
Which Author has Inspired You Most?
Isabella Alden. I read my first “Pansy” book when I was 12 or 13. It was my first taste of a story where walking with Christ was the main focus of the story. Yes, other things happen, there is a plot to each story and no, the characters aren’t perfect. These stories challenged my own walk with Christ and taught me things I hadn’t known before.
What Single Book Would You be Unable to Live Without?
I’m assuming you mean besides my Bible. Well, . . . Um . . . Can I just count my kindle loaded with all the Pansy books and every other book I like? No? Then I have no idea! *throws up hands and shakes head at all the books on my shelves* Impossible to pick just one book.
And there you have it. A little book love for February. I don’t know if you want to try answering these or not, but you are welcome to! Answer them in a post on your own blog and let me know you did and I’ll come read them, or answer them in a comment.
kassieangle says
Hahaha!! I love this! Yeah…it’s really hard to pick absolute favorites… 😂
readanotherpage says
Really hard! 😉
Ryana Lynn says
Laughing as I realize just how hard these questions would be to answer!
readanotherpage says
They aren’t just hard, some of them are down right impossible! 😉