Thirteen-year-old Maria Mitchell, known to all as Ria, and her friend Lydia have been assigned to write a report on a hero or heroine of the Great War (World War One) for a school project. Instead of picking some well known figure, the two friends decide to search for a forgotten or unknown hero or heroine. When asked to help, Emma Mitchell, Ria’s mom, brings out old letters she and a cousin wrote during the war. The girls are sure the letters hold the key to their success of finding a forgotten hero. But will they? Is that all that these letters bring to light? Join Ria and Lydia, Mrs. Mitchell, an old neighbor called Corporal, and others as they re-live the years of home life during the war.
510 pages
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“Rebekah, I loved the book–you did a wonderful job in keeping my attention and revealing lots of history. This is a great historical fiction! Now Mother has it! I wish you all the best.”
~Leann Voss, Author
“We used this book for a family read aloud and all of us loved it! The characters were so fun and engaging, some that you would want to entangle your life with. We laughed and cried and sometimes at the same time. I would not be able to say enough good about this book. You come away with a different sense and new perspective of the war that is not found in other resources. A definite must read!”
~Mrs. Gloria Noran
“Once I started, I couldn’t put it down! . . . It was so different then all the other WWI fiction that I’ve ever read; it made me want to read more! . . . As side note, have you ever considered writing a sequel? I want so bad to know what continues to happen in the lives of Emma and Maria!”
~ Jesseca, Kansas
5+ stars!! This is one of my favourite Indie Author books ever! I devoured more than half the book, then forced myself to save it for later. I finished it about a month later, and reread the entire thing a few days after finishing it. And loved it even more.
~ Katja, Canada
I loved this book! It was so real to me and brought tears to my eyes in several places. I have known the author since I was 6 years old, and this book was extra special to me, because I could pick out parts of the characters that reminded me of her and even myself and my twin sister. I don’t know if the author did it on purpose or not, but it brought back memories of the friendship we’ve shared for many years. I love the letter format and will definitely be reading it again in the future. Hoping to one day have children of my own to share it with.
~ Angela, Missouri