Oh dear! It’s so much easier to write a story than a biographical sketch of myself. Why can’t you just imagine what I’m like? (Hmm, I rather like that idea. Go ahead, stop right now and send me a message describing what you think I’m like. Then come back and read the rest.)
My characters have interesting lives and do fun and sometimes exciting things. Not to mention that they sometimes live in unusual surroundings. But me, well, I’m just a regular person, living a normal kind of life in an ordinary place. I just happen to have a vivid and lively imagination.
I’m the kind of person who is often labeled a “drama queen” or, as one quote I read says, “A family is like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts.” I’d be the nut. Or maybe a whole handful of nuts. I’m outgoing, enthusiastic, emotional, and easily sidetracked.
I love people whether they be in books or in real life. I love to talk, but I can be a good listener. And I thrive on feedback, reviews, praise, encouragement, and questions.
When I was young, writing was not on my radar for the future. It was a dreaded school assignment which brought me to tears. If you had told me I would one day be a published author, I would have laughed hysterically. “Are you kidding? There is no way I’m going to write a book! Huh uh, it’s not going to happen!” I knew what I was going to do. I was going to get married about the age of 20, have a whole lot of kids, and . . . Well, so much for knowing God’s plan for my life. Right now I’m still single, living at home, and writing book, after book, after book, after . . . you get the picture.
And just to give you a better glimpse of me, here are a few little-known facts about me. (Though now they won’t be so little-known any more.)
• I love to eat frozen gummi bears.
• I dislike cooking and would rather write a story any day than make supper.
• I am ready to try just about any adventure, but going in caves or swimming in the ocean are not included in those adventures.
• You never know when I’ll start singing some random song out loud. And often they are made up on the spur of the moment. (Sometimes I even sing and dance with my broom when I’m sweeping the kitchen.)
• My thoughts jump around even when I’m talking, and sometimes I leave my listeners puzzling over how I got from point A to point Q and wondering what on earth I’m talking about and how I can manage to write sensible books?
• I am a morning person.
• I like big dogs.
• I will chase any cats out of our yard with a broom, cap-gun, rocks or just by shouting.
• For years I’ve dreamed of visiting each of the 50 States, but the one I really long to visit is Montana. (I don’t know why as I don’t know anyone who lives there.)
• I have taught my nieces and nephews how to play “pretend” since they were little bitty, and we all still love to “travel to the moon,” “hunt for gold in a mine,” “head west in a covered wagon” and many other things involving a good imagination.
• I don’t like coffee and never drink it. (I never have figured out what the addiction to it is.)