Welcome to 2016! I’m having a difficult time trying to realize that this is a new year. A new year with lots of potential for getting things done, for learning new things, for growing as a child of the Most High, and the amazing opportunities He sends my way! I don’t know about you, but […]
Merry Christmas!
Have you ever felt that you just didn’t want to do anything? You might have a list of things that you “should do” but you really didn’t want to do any of them? You wanted something different. Something new to do. I have. In fact, that’s what I felt like yesterday. So, I decided that […]
Today’s Top Tip and . . .
This will give you a better grasp on writing. You’ll learn words you might not have known before. It will increase your ability to create amazing sentences, deep characters, exciting scenes, realistic dialog, and much more. If you haven’t figured out what that special tip is, keep reading. I have loved books for as long […]
Today’s Top Tip for Writers and Authors
Are you a writer? Are you a published author? Are you someone who just loves to write? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, then this is for you. Make sure you take time to read. You may be thinking that you want to write, not read, but if you want to […]
Special Thanksgiving Post
Happy Thanksgiving (a little early) to all my readers! Since it was Thanksgiving week, I wanted to do something a little different and special. Especially for all those writers out there who have been a part of NaNo this month. Sometimes writing so much can get tiring and you might feel drained. Your fingers begin […]
Behind the Scenes – Part 2
Here is another part our look at behind the scenes of how I write. Maybe you’ll find something useful to try with your own writing. – What do you write on? Laptop or paper? Neither. I actually started out writing my first book on paper and then typing everything on the computer. I’ve tried composing […]
Commemorating the End of the Great War
Did you know that tomorrow, what we now know as Veteran’s Day, marks the end of the first World War? The cease fire went into effect on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour in 1918. It was the end of “the war to end all wars.” (Sadly, we know that […]
Behind the Scenes – Part 1
I thought you all might enjoy getting a little glimpse of what my writing habits are like. Perhaps something I do will inspire or challenge you. Now, just because I do things this way, doesn’t mean everyone should. There are so many ways to write that each person needs to find what works for them. […]
Coming Soon!
I know some of you have been eagerly awaiting the cover release of my newest book “Through the Tunnel.” You don’t have to wait any longer! “I hate being a foster kid!” Fourteen-year-old Lissa had thought those words dozens, if not hundreds, of times over the last twelve years. She and her twin brother, Leigh, […]
Overwhemed or Confident?
• Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with your “to-do” list that you want to just hide? • Are your stories taking over your life? • Are your publishing projects pushing you to panic? • Do you feel an almost overwhelming urge to just grab someone else’s already published book and hide in a closet […]