Dear Readers,
I can hardly believe I’m back at Camp NaNo again! It was such a fun experience the last two years, and this year hasn’t been any different.
Since Camp opened up the cabins for us at the beginning of March, Hannah and I started cleaning our cabin, Next Door, right away. Some of the other girls showed up soon and pitched in. We washed windows, and swept out the cabin, made sure all the spiders who had taken up residence in our absence were evicted, and opened windows to get fresh air instead of stale air. We began claiming bunks right away. A few of us got the same ones we had before but others decided to be different.
We are excited to have some new faces with us this year. It’s always good to get new people because you can get fresh ideas, and can share things that have worked for you. We still have some empty bunks, but they don’t sit unused the entire month. Sometimes one of us will sit on them to get a different perspective when we write. And let me tell you, it can help with writer’s block!
The month of March slipped by quickly. We took a long hike one day, and went and splashed in the lake. It’s still really cold, so we haven’t been swimming. Some of the girls don’t know how, but we have a certified swimming instructor with us, so maybe if the waters warm up, or the weather warms up, she can give some swimming lessons. If not this month, maybe before Camp starts again in July we can all learn how to swim.
The camp is so pretty here with trees, a lake, mountains, and plenty of companions. Now that Camp has officially started we’re all trying to be diligent to get a lot of writing done. The first week has been good. I was surprised by how many words I was able to rack up on my story “By Paths Unknown” since in March it was stalling on me. I guess it was just waiting until Camp started. π Last week I was able to log 7,343 words! That means I’m 10 words over my set goal for Day 11. It’s nice to be ahead. π
I won’t get as many words written this 2nd week of camp since I will have other responsibilities the last three days of the week, but I’m still going to try to get a good bit written the rest of the days. And then there’s the rest of the month!
Now I should go. The girls are probably sprinting or something equally fun back at the cabin, so I’m going to leave my lovely seat here by the lake and head back. If you ever want to do Camp NaNo and want to join Next Door, let me know. I’ll write more later.
Haha!! Yess it’s been a lot of fun so far!! π
Sure has! π *flies paper airplane over to your bunk*
Aw, this was so sweet!! I really hope I can do this sometime. π
I hope so too. You’d probably have fun. π And get a lot of writing done. π
Could you explain what Camp NaNo is all about? From what I’ve read on blogs, it is a writing camp, but not sure what it is <> like.
Camp NaNo is a branch off the National Novel Writing Month (which I have never done since it is in November and I’m too busy). Basically you create a writing “project” that you are going to work on, though it can change during the month if you want/need it to. And set your goal for whatever you decide you want to try for. (Again, this can be adjusted during the month if needed.) It can be a word count goal, a page count, or an hour count. You can write one story, many short stories, edit, re-write, or work on whatever writing-related project you want.
Once you have your “project” set up, you can either be assigned to a “cabin” or “join” a cabin with friends. Each “cabin” is a group of people (no more than 20) who chat, work on their projects, and encourage each other via the cabin “chat box.” You update your project as you work on it and your “stats” bars go up. You can find out what other members in your “cabin” are working on and how they’re doing.
It’s a lot of fun and a great way to get something written or edited. My “cabin” was named “Next Door” since it was started when too many friends wanted to be together. It’s not full, so if you would want to join us, we’d love to have you! It’s a super encouraging group, ready to brainstorm, give you ideas, names, cheer you on, celebrate with you, and share lots of “virtual chocolate.” π
There is also a Camp in July. (The Cabins will be open beginning of June.)
Hope that helps, Izzy. Let let me know if you have any more questions! π
Wow, that is so cool! Thank you so much for explaining π I have one more question: Are the “cabins” actually online chat boxes?
Yes, but only the members of your “cabin” can get on them. π
OK, that makes sense! Thanks.
π You don’t have to chat, but it’s a great way to get motivated, or brainstorm. If you are interested in joining Next Door in July, let me know. (The cabin should open the beginning of June.)
Whoops, Izzy again. I meant “really” not π
I love this post, Rebekah! π Camp NaNo is awesome! π
π Yay! Glad you are enjoying it too. What cabin are you in?