There are some things that irritate me a little when I read. And there are some things that bug me a bit. And there are other things that drive me crazy and might mean I rant to someone about them even if I liked the rest of the book. So this year I’m going to rant a bit, perhaps even sarcastically, to you on the 5th Tuesdays. If you don’t want to read ranting or sarcasm, skip this post. You have been warned.
We’ve come to the final day of things that irritate me when I read. And I’m not talking about outside things like being too hot or cold, or having neighbors being noisy when I read. I’m talking about things inside the book that bug me. And today’s topic is the unrealistic things in books! I can make exceptions now and then depending on if there’s a specific reason something “can” happen in the book when it’s not “real.”
I’m going to be brief and not give many examples because one, I don’t want to pick on any certain books, and two, I don’t think you’ll need ’em. So here we go!
- Modern words and phrases in historical books – Ugh, this bugs me! If I’m reading historical, I want historical! I don’t want modern set in historical. That just doesn’t mix.
- Things happening that are impossible and sound like fantasy – Have you ever read a book or story that sounds more like some crazy dream? Yeah, it’s not fun. Keep it real, people!
- Talking about how something is done or how it works when that’s not how it is done or how it works – Don’t get me started on those who assume they know how something works when just a little research would show that is completely wrong! Or they just ignore how something would really happen just so they could make it fit their story. If it ain’t right, quit tryin’ to fit it in!
- Making historical characters act and think like modern people – Yeah, nope. People didn’t think or act the same way we do now! But so many people try to make it that way! They want their characters to act and think like we do now when that wasn’t even considered back then. We live in a different world.
So, if you are going to make something impossible or unrealistic happen in your story, make sure you do it in a way that makes it seem like it could be possible. And please, if you are writing historical fiction, skip the modern thought and phrases and actions. I might like your story better.
What is something that irritates you about books? Do unrealistic things bother you or not? Are there other things that make you want to rant a bit?
Ellen S. says
I feel all these for sure! Especially modern-day stuff in what is supposed to be a historical novel!
readanotherpage says
It’s annoying for sure! Thanks for commenting!
Abi :) says
Hey, Auntie! I agree with you about all of these, especially when I read people in historical books talking like I hear “cool” people talking now. Sometimes I do find it amusing though. 😉
readanotherpage says
Yeah, sometimes I roll my eyes and laugh at the same time.
Lydia Willcock says
Agh, I HATE historical books where the characters speak OR act modern.
readanotherpage says
Yeah, it’s annoying!