Just to make this clear, these are reasons why I write this genre, not why everyone does or should.

First off, what is Christian Fiction? Well, I looked it up and the exact definition varies as to the wording but this same general idea seems to be prevalent.
A Christian novel is any novel that expounds and illustrates a Christian world view in its plot, its characters, or both, or which deals with Christian themes in a positive way.
I liked this version of the definition as it fits my own definition. Books that are called Christian Fiction should have a Christian world view, and it should deal with Christian themes in a positive way. I could climb up on my soapbox about this topic, but I will refrain because you came to find out why I write this genre not what I think about it in general.
- It’s Who I Am Frankly, this the biggest reason for why I write Christian Fiction. I am a Christian and as such I should be showing by my life–and that includes writing–my Christian world view and letting others see Christ in me.
- Christianity is a Vital Part This ties in with the first reason or it should. Christianity should be as much a vital part of any Christian fiction that it is a part of the story. I don’t want my stories to feel like the Christian parts just got dropped in almost by mistake or were stuck in as an afterthought. I want my characters to live, not like the lukewarm Christians of so many stories, but like ones who walk and talk their faith. I write to show lives that are lived for and with Christ.
- Teach Truth Many of my stories have something to teach. No, I don’t preach at my readers, but often there are little lessons learned, or truths that we often forget brought out. I often find myself sharing things that I have learned or am learning. I’ve found that often a well written story with a good lesson or truth is easier to remember than other things.
- Share Christ I write Christian Fiction to share Christ. No, I don’t always have a big Gospel presentation in my books, sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes it’s clearer, and sometimes it’s just the challenge to walk closer with Christ.
- Encourage Readers Since my readers are often Christians, I write to encourage them. I write to challenge them in their walk with their Heavenly Father. I write to share truths found in God’s Word, and yes, I write to point out the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If my stories encourage, challenge and help someone, I thank God that He has used my faulty, human mind to craft a story for His glory.
And that is why I write Christian Fiction. If you enjoyed this post, stay tuned for more Why I Write posts in the future. I have three more genres to cover.
Do you read Christian Fiction for any of the reasons I write it? What are some of your favorite Christian Fiction authors? If you are a writer, what genre do you write?
Yes, I read Christian fiction because it has a Biblical worldview and can help me grow in my walk with Jesus. Even good stories are missing something if they don’t impact your life.
I write primarily Christian fiction, but I also write Christian nonfiction as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your writing, Rebekah!
You’re welcome, Bets. 🙂 Thanks for commenting.
Yes, I read Christian fiction for the reasons you write it! I want to be edified and encouraged by what I read, so Christian books completely fit that. I know that several of your books in particular have encouraged me; Hymns in the Hills for witnessing and looking on the bright side, Gift from the Storm encouraged me regarding my fears, Through the Tunnel gave me encouragement in salvation. A favorite quote from Goodbye isn’t in the Dictionary is God’s not going to give you strength to face what might happen, only what does happen. (I know, it’s probably not a direct quote.)
My favorite Christian fiction authors are you, Isabella Alden, Sarah Maxwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Castleberry.
I write Christian fiction. 🙂 Sometimes Christian historical fiction, too, which is fun, but more challenging. I actually just sent off my first children’s book to be printed today!
Thanks for sharing, Chloe! It’s encouraging to know that my stories have been a blessing to my readers.
Yes, those are all good authors!
Historical fiction can be a challenge, but it’s also fun. 😀 At least if you don’t mind researching. 😉
I enjoyed this post a lot! These are all reasons why I write Christian Fiction as well. And as a reader, the third one really resonated with me since I learn better from stories than from a lot of other learning sources.
Yes, stories can impact more than some other things. Thanks for sharing. 😀
I liked that second point! I’ve definitely encountered those books where the Christianity feels dropped in
Yes! It always feels awkward and out of place.