I didn’t think I’d use it.
I wasn’t a planner. But it looked so fun. Perhaps, well, just maybe I would use it – some.
Yes, those were my thoughts about the WriteMind Planner when Perry first introduced us to her new writer’s notebook. It took a while before I decided to get one for myself and see if I would ever use it. Would I ever use it? Ha! I love my WriteMind Planner even if I’m a pantser and not a planner. But you probably want to know why, don’t you?
Let’s start with how I use mine as a writer. The cover may be rather boring, but that’s okay. I like it. 🙂
I love Perry’s {Cast of Characters} pages because I often have many names to jot down. And no, they aren’t always in order. 😛 The page on the right is one I designed myself. Since I don’t plan, I need a way to keep track of the time and the days of the week. These pages are blank as you can tell better in the next picture. This allows me to make any month, and to jot down when things happened. (I needed to know how many weeks it was between an accident and the next scene so I’d know if someone was still on crutches.)
Yes, I do print the calendar pages double sided. Most of my stories take place in more than two months. I also use the {story} pages to write down different bits of information. There are other pages like the {character} and the {setting} pages, but I don’t use them since I don’t do all the character backstory, and physical description, and such. And the setting is usually easy for me to remember.
Yes, I use the {to-do} list for things other than to-do lists. 😉 This one has my list of places to get images for designing my covers. It comes in very handy since there are times when I can’t think of another place to look for a certain picture. And the regular notebook paper is perfect for writing down things like American spelling vs. French or English spelling for different words. Or if Blonde is for girls or if it should be Blond.
These final two pages are ones I designed for my own use. One is for a list of people who have asked to be Beta Readers. It’s so much easier to keep track of them all in one place than trying to sort through emails, or dig through scraps of paper. The other page is my page for those who either want to be part of Blog Tours, or who might be interested. And yes, I showed you my blank pages instead of my filled ones for a reason. 😉
This was cool! I’ve heard of the WriteMind Planner, but I haven’t used it. It sounds interesting! This post did make me a little more interested, mostly because I haven’t thought about it in a while, lol. I may have to check it out! 🙂
It’s a great planner even if you don’t plan your stories before you write them. 😉
Definitely interested! Even if I don’t get one, you’ve given me some great organization ideas!
Well, I’m happy to help you get organized. 😉
Hmm. May have to check this out again. I remember seeing it before, but forgot all about it. Thanks for a peek into it:) Looking forward to the next part!
It is great to be able to keep all my notes on stories in one place. 🙂