Newest Novel!

The Graham Quartet
and the House on Old Elm Road
A suspicious bill, a coded plea, and the Graham Quartet are ready for action!
Out along the lonely stretches of Old Elm Road, the Graham Quartet feels a mystery brewing. When a string of strange happenings continues to point in the same direction, Elsa, Matt, Selena, and Tim are determined to get to the bottom of things. But are all of these oddities really connected? Or is the Quartet so eager for another mystery that they’re making up trouble out of nothing? . . . . (Read more HERE.)
Special Book Collections!

A Homewood Christmas
Another Homewood Christmas
The close-knit community of Homewood, Minnesota might not even be a dot on most maps. But from its earliest settlement to the present day, a warm Christmas welcome and a shining Moravian star have been its hallmarks of the holiday.

Read both collections to get the full story of Homewood and the people who lived and loved and worked there. Watch Christmas light and love transform even the coldest places into a little corner of heaven on earth. No matter what the season may hold, the love of God sent to earth in the form of a human baby always proves abundantly sufficient—and the Christmas stars of Homewood live to testify of His story!